Resources for 
Successful Team Projects

Dr Chris Barlow
Dir of Experiential Learning 
and Clinical Asst Prof of Managerial Studies
UIC College of Bus Admin


These materials are provided to help managers and students more effectively manage team projects.  Based on more extensive materials developed for the management of large, complex creative collaborations, these are targeted to give the most basic and useful concepts and tools in a concise format.

These are copyrighted property of The Co-Creativity Institute but you are welcome to make fair use copies for your own use and to share with colleagues as long as you keep the entire document intact, including our address information.  Please contact us if you would like to make more copies for another purpose, such as a training class.

First steps to take to make a project start right.  An overview of the most basic concepts for helping project teams perform more effectively.

Managing/Leading Projects

bulletTeamwork Goes Both Ways
a clearer concept of teamwork and when it is useful
bulletFundamentals of Project Management and Time Management (In development)
A review and overview of basic concepts and tools of optimizing use of available resources for project success
bulletDeveloping Deliberate Leadership
Approaching team leadership as a process of learning to invoke followership for strategic and ethical insights

Appreciating and Understanding Differences Among Team Members

bulletStyles and Creativity
Relating Kolb's learning styles to the facilitated steps of deliberate creativity
bulletCross Cultural Teamwork
Building teams across cultural differences
bulletCulture and Deliberate Team Creativity     Hofstede's Numbers
Relating Hofstede's cultural styles to the facilitated steps of deliberate creativity
bulletThe Knowledge Creating Cycle
Nonaka's description of the elements and phases of great product design

Creativity and Thinking Tools

a review of the dynamics and rules of this frequently misapplied tool
bulletWhat Do You Really Want to Do?
Using the "black box" or "function" approach to accelerate insight and creativity
bulletUnappreciated AHA: Why No One Listens to your Creative Ideas.
a basic description of our insight based model for creativity and some of its implications
bulletCreative Problem Solving
a proven plan of phase steps to guide creative efforts

Tools for Complexity

bulletElephants and Coconuts:
An Approach to Understanding Complex Topics
bulletExternal Modeling
The critical usefulness of external models in complex thinking and creativity
bulletFuzzy Logic and the Decision Matrix
A quick exploration of fuzzy logic and its use in the criteria decision matrix.
bulletVisualization and Imagery
Basic methods for increasing your ability to develop mental imagery
bulletEthics and Values Based Management
A Strategic Look at the Ethics and Values Issues Faced by Managers
bulletFunction Analysis and Modeling
A workbook teaching this powerful analytic and creative tool.